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Two-Year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Latin American Politics at Carleton College

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Carleton College, Department of Political Science, seeks qualified candidates for the Robert A. Oden, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellowship for Innovation in the Liberal Arts, a two-year position in comparative politics, to begin September 1, 2021. The candidate must have a Ph.D. in hand (received less than five years ago) by the start-date of the position. Appointment involves half-time research and writing, and half-time teaching for a total of 5 courses over a two-year, six-term period (2-3 courses per year). Candidates must have as a primary focus Latin American politics, but should be prepared to teach one introductory course on comparative politics each year. The successful applicant will teach middle-division courses on Latin American politics and a seminar in their area of scholarship in Latin America. The postdoc will also be expected to engage with Carleton’s interdisciplinary program in Latin American Studies.

We are particularly interested in candidates who are committed to teaching a diverse student body in a highly selective, liberal arts environment. Carleton College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, veteran status, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, status with regard to public assistance, disability, or age in providing employment or access to its educational facilities and activities. We are committed to developing our faculty to better reflect the diversity of our student body and American society. Women and members of underrepresented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

To apply, please visit the Carleton College website and submit an on-line application that includes a cover letter, c.v., one or two sample syllabi, a statement about teaching in an undergraduate liberal arts environment and how you would contribute to a college community that embraces a diversity of people and perspectives as one of its core values, and contact information for three letters of reference. Please send inquiries to Paula Teiken (, Political Science Department, Carleton College, Northfield, MN. The deadline for applications is April 2.

Carleton is a highly selective liberal arts college with a student body of approximately 2,000. Located in the thriving two-college town of Northfield, Minnesota, it is forty-five miles from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, in easy reach of a vibrant metropolitan area that is home to three million people and rich cultural resources.