
News 9 November, 2019

Participation at SIPAIM 2019

El Laboratorio de Imagen Médicas estuvo presente en la edición 2019 del Simposio sobre Procesamiento y Análisis de Información Médica, SIPAIM 2019, a través de Stefano Romero, Pedro Ancajima y Aldo Tecse. La conferencia se realizó en…

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News 8 November, 2019

2019 RCBU Biomedical Ultrasound Symposium, University of Rochester

Dr. Benjamin Castaneda was invited as a Distinguished RCBU Alumni Lecturer on November 7th. He presented the advances of his work in tele-ultrasound applied in rural Peru.

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News 10 October, 2019

Participation at IUS 2019

Ana Saavedra and Dr. Roberto Lavarello were present at the 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium which was held at Glasgow, Scotland from October 6th to 9th. Ana presented the work titled “Multi-wave dermis characterization using…

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News 9 October, 2019

Participation at VIII Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering

The Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering (Somib) and the Regional Council of Biomedical Engineering for Latin America (Coral) organized the VIII Latin American Congress of Biomedical engineering on October 5th – 8th, 2019 Cancun,…

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News 23 July, 2019

Participation at EMBC 2019

Drs. Sandra Perez and Roberto Lavarello attended the 2019 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference. Dr. Lavarello participated from the Administrative Committee of EMBS as Latin American representative. He also participated…

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News 1 August, 2017

Participation at EMBC 2017

The Medical Imaging Laboratory was present at the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), through researchers Ana Cecilia Saavedra and Junior Arroyo. The conference took place between…

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News 15 December, 2016

PUCP awards

In the first semester of 2016, the Graduate School published the results of the Marco Polo fund. Two of the 14 winners were members of the Medical Imaging Laboratory. Gustavo Ramón Chau Loo Kung obtained funding for the conference presentation…

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News 7 December, 2016

Participación en Conferencias Internacionales

En el 2016, los investigadores del Laboratorio de Imágenes Médicas han participado en cuatro conferencias internacionales y una escuela de verano donde pudieron presentar sus avances de sus trabajos y tesis de maestría. El Simposio Internacional…

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