Participation at VIII Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering

Date: 9 October, 2019

Participation at VIII Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering

The Mexican Society of Biomedical Engineering (Somib) and the Regional Council of Biomedical Engineering for Latin America (Coral) organized the VIII Latin American Congress of Biomedical engineering on October 5th – 8th, 2019 Cancun, Mexico. Drs. Benjamín Castañeda and Sandra Pérez attended to present their work related to the follow-up of the treatment of ulcers caused by Leishmaniasis. Dr. Perez, president of the Peruvian IEEE EMBS Chapter, and Dr. Roberto Lavarello, representative of the Latin American and Caribbean region to the EMBS Administrative Committee, organized and participated in a special session with the aim of spreading the importance of the EMBS society and impact in strengthening biomedical engineering. In this session, Dr. Lavarello began with a general presentation of the current state of society, which highlighted the high participation of student members in the region. Dr. Sandra Perez explained the benefits to students by belonging to IEEE EMBS. Drs. Perez and Castañeda participated in the XXX Meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Regional Engineering Council Biomedical for Latin America (Coral), in which Dr. Perez was elected as First member of the Committee Manager. Through this position, it opens regional and worldwide opportunities to bring projects, events and experts which will contribute in the continuous development of Biomedical Engineering in Peru.

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