

Roberto Lavarello

Roberto Lavarello

Roberto Lavarelllo. B.Sc Electronic Eng., PUCP, 2000. M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2005 and 2009, respectively. Senior Professor of the Engineering Department at PUCP. His research is focused on non-invasive ultrasonic characterization for the evaluation of pathological conditions, multi-parametric quantitative ultrasound, and ultrasonic imaging techniques. Senior member of the IEEE. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2010-2012) and president of IEEE EMBS Peru Chapter (2014-2016). He is currently Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control and IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. He is a member of the IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Bio Imaging and Signal Processing, IEEE EMBS AdCom, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Steering Committee, and IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Technical Program Committee.



Benjamín Castañeda

Benjamín Castañeda

Benjamín Castañeda, B. Sc Electronic Eng., PUCP, 2000. M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2004. M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester 2006 and 2009, respectively. Senior Professor of the Engineering Department at PUCP. Coordinator of Biomedical Engineering PUCP - UPCH, Coordinator of the Center for Research and Development in Medical Engineering PUCP. Member of the Peruvian Committee of Health Informatics. Among his research topics are the diagnosis of breast and prostate cancer using quantitative elastography, automated diagnosis of tuberculosis, three-dimensional measurement of wounds, diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis, improvements in preventive diagnosis in maternal-perinatal health and telemedicine. Associate member of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Bio Imaging and Signal Processing. Young researcher award finalist - American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (2007 and 2011). SINACYT / CONCYTEC Award to the academic innovator (Peru, 2013). Winner of the National Inventions Contest - Patent (INDECOPI).

Stefano Romero

Stefano Romero

B.Sc Electronic Eng., PUCP, 2014. MSc. Digital Signal and Image Processing, PUCP, 2019. He developed his undergraduate thesis in the ultrasonic detection of pneumonia in the pediatric population, winner of the PADET research fund (PUCP, 2014). His postgraduate research contemplated elastography and quantitative ultrasound techniques in in vivo applications. His areas of interest are elastography, quantitative ultrasound, regularization techniques, embedded systems, and computer architecture. He is currently an assistant professor at the PUCP.


Undergraduate Students

Adriana Romero

Biomedical Engineering

Aldo Tecse

Biomedical Engineering

Andrea Ramirez

Biomedical Engineering

Anthony Castañeda

Electronic Engineering

César Santos

Electronic Engineering

César Estefano Machado

Electronic Engineering

Denilson Sampén

Electronic Engineering

Estiven Torres

Biomedical Engineering

Germán Leiva

Biomedical Engineering

José Timaná

Biomedical Engineering

Katherin Zumaeta

Biomedical Engineering

Leslie Urdiales

Biomedical Engineering

Mauricio Juarez

Biomedical Engineering

Mauricio Merino

Electronic Engineering

Pierol Quispe

Biomedical Engineering

Victor Ticllacuri

Biomedical Engineering

Graduate Students

Gilmer Flores

BSc. Electronic Engineering

Valeria León

BSc. Electronic Engineering

Postgraduate Students

Anthony Carrera

MSc. Digital Signal and Image Processing

Christian Soto

MSc. Biomedical Engineering

Edmundo Arom Miranda

MSc. Digital Signal and Image Processing

Héctor Chahuara

MSc. Digital Signal and Image Processing

Josue Sánchez

MSc. Biomedical Engineering

Luis Chumpitaz

MSc. Biomedical Engineering

Marco Portocarrero

MSc. Biomedical Engineering

Evelyn Gutiérrez

PhD. in Engineering

Luis Hermoza

PhD. in Engineering