This study was based on sensitivity hypothesis of attachment theory that relates sensitive nurture with attachment security. The aim was to analyze the relation between 16 caregivers’ sensitivity and attachment security of their preschool children of typical development, living in Quito, Ecuador. Two instruments were used for assessment: Maternal Behavior for Preschoolers Q-set and Attachment Behavior Q-set Version 3.0, in their Latin American adaptation. Compared to others studies with Latino population, in this work a level of sensitivity similar to the previously reported, and a slightly higher level of children security was found. Regarding the relation between both variables, sensitivity was found as a predictor of attachment security. Since Ecuador is a multicultural country, is recommended to replicate this study in other cultural contexts and with other development conditions groups.
Autor(es):Mosquera, E. D., Zúñiga, I. A., Marroquín, E. E., Nóblega, M., & Prado, J. N. D.
Año: 2018
Título de la revista: Ciencias Psicológicas
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Página inicial - Página final: 97-107
ISSN: 1688-4094