

The relationship between political ideology and national identity in Latin-America: a Meta-Analytical Synthesis
Several researchers have noted that nationalist ideology has a tendency to positively elevate the cultural symbols and content that characterize a nation, thus promoting individual identification with that nation. With regard to Latin American countries, the relationship between ideology and identity and their role in nationalism has been relatively underexplored by those engaged in political and social psychology, despite the obvious links between them. This chapter explores this relationship from the perspective of political conservatism, which draws on the concepts of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation (SDO). It details results from an integrated review of studies from 11 countries in the region conducted by the members of the Political and Social Psychology Group at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (GPPSPUCP) that address these issues. The chapter employs meta-analysis to examine the nature of the relationship between conservative authoritarian and conservative dominant (SDO) ideologies with aspects of national identification.
Año de publicación: 2021
Violencia Política y el impacto psicosocial de la Comisión Nacional de la Verdad (CNV) en Brasil
El libro Psicología Política y Memoria es el resultado del trabajo colectivo y la conexión interinstitucional entre los participantes del GT Psicología Política de Anpepp. El concepto de “memoria política” y el campo teórico-práctico se han construido a partir de los fenómenos políticos mundiales ocurridos a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, lo que ha propiciado una importante producción de estudios sobre la memoria, siendo en la actualidad un importante referente para la comprensión de la cultura política en Brasil y América Latina. En Brasil, los estudios sobre memoria política en Psicología Política son relativamente recientes, a partir de la década de 1990, con discusiones sobre la relación entre memoria política, conciencia política y luchas de resistencia en la sociedad brasileña. La memoria política es un concepto importante para el análisis de la conciencia política, la acción colectiva, del mismo modo que la conciencia política puede ser decisiva en la construcción de la memoria política. Este libro presenta una diversidad de investigaciones en Psicología Política, con investigadores de Brasil, Colombia, Chile y Perú que trabajan con el concepto de “memoria política” para analizar diferentes fenómenos.
Año de publicación: 2020
Towards meaningful comparisons of personality in large-scale cross-cultural studies.
One of Jüri Allik’s major, pioneering contributions to psychology is the assessment of personality across numerous cultures. His contributions have inspired many other large collaborations of international researchers to move beyond early work confirming the Five Factor Model cross-culturally to assessing the reliability and validity of a broad range of personality traits. Cross-cultural comparisons of personality traits may be problematic if measures have unique meanings in different cultural contexts that infl uence how individuals respond to items. In this chapter we present a new and relatively simple method for assessing the comparability of measures in large-scale cross-cultural studies, and illustrate the method using responses to the Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) from 15,368 participants in 63 countries participating in the International Situations Project.
Año de publicación: 2019