Noticias y Eventos
The RSA is Going Places!

La Regional Studies Association se encuentra organizando la siguiente serie de conferencias globales.

Regional and Urban Studies for Strategic Planning and Development

24th – 25th October 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract submission deadline: 6th September 2016

Towards Impact and Contributions to Knowledge: PhD to First Academic Position
27th – 28th October 2016, Newcastle, UK
Abstract submission deadline: Sunday 4th September 2016

RSA Annual President’s Event 2016
24th November 2016, London, UK
This event is free for RSA members!

New Pressures on Cities and Regions
24th – 25th November 2016, London, UK
Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday 24th August 2016

the Great Regional Awakening: ‘New Directions’
4th – 7th June 2016, Dublin, Ireland
Abstract submission deadline: Friday 24th February 2017