Design of a multifunctional specialized wheelchair mechanism for cerebral palsy in children
This paper describes and evaluates an approximation of the proposed position-changing mechanism of a cerebral palsy wheelchair for children using only one actuator. Only details the functional requirements that allow the change of position: wheelchair mode, standing frame mode, and stretcher mode. To evaluate the mechanism, a video was recorded and evaluated in Kinovea, and MATLAB software to obtain the functional angular range of the backrest reclination and the seat elevation. The scaled prototype has a mean error of 2.58% in comparison with the original design. The results indicate that this mechanism effectively provided compliance with the proposed angles and comfort for the patient.
DANTE ANGEL ELIAS GIORDANO (Autor); Alyssa Maguiña (Autor); Leslie Urdiales (Autor); Piero Latorre (Autor); Lizardo Torres (Autor).
Año: 2022
Título de la revista: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Página inicial - Página final: 2527-2530