New siteWe are happy to launch this new site for the Quantum Optics Group at PUCP (GROC-PUCP). Updates coming.
Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bio-applications
Integrated Photonics-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications (IPN-Bio, 2020-2024) (Ref.: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019-872049, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 872049) The IPN-Bio aims to foster and develop long-term interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international...
Integrated Photonics-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications (IPN-Bio, 2020-2024) (Ref.: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019-872049, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 872049) The IPN-Bio aims to foster and develop long-term interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international...
Wave–particle duality in tripartite systems
Quantum objects, sometimes called quantons, often display a characteristic feature referred to as wave–particle duality (WPD). Lately, this and other quantum traits have been subjected to intensive research, mainly motivated by the development of quantum information science. As...
Quantum objects, sometimes called quantons, often display a characteristic feature referred to as wave–particle duality (WPD). Lately, this and other quantum traits have been subjected to intensive research, mainly motivated by the development of quantum information science. As...
Experimental display of generalized wave-particle duality
The quantification of wave-particle duality (WPD) by means of measurable features associated to it, such as fringe visibility (V) and path distinguishability (D), led to the establishment of the constraint V^2+D^2≤1. The two involved quantities refer to so-called...
The quantification of wave-particle duality (WPD) by means of measurable features associated to it, such as fringe visibility (V) and path distinguishability (D), led to the establishment of the constraint V^2+D^2≤1. The two involved quantities refer to so-called...
Relations between coherence, entanglement and polarization in mixed states, classical and quantum.
In this project we search for relations that involve different quantifiers of entanglement, polarization and coherence, that are valid for mixed bipartite states, as well as for pure and mixed tripartite states. The proposed relations are tested using...
In this project we search for relations that involve different quantifiers of entanglement, polarization and coherence, that are valid for mixed bipartite states, as well as for pure and mixed tripartite states. The proposed relations are tested using...
Generalizing Wave-Particle Duality: Two-Qubit Extension of the Polarization Coherence TheoremWe present an extension of the polarization coherence theorem (PCT) for the case in which two qubits play similarly important roles. The standard version of the PCT: V^2+D^2=P^2, involves three measures, visibility V, distinguishability D, and the degree...
Constraints between concurrence and polarization for mixed states subjected to open system dynamicsEntanglement and polarization are mutually constrained by the relationship C^2+P^2=1, which engages the concurrence C of a pure, two-qubit state and the degree of polarization P of either of its two subsystems. How the above constraint generalizes for...