

Mass composition modelling at sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Extragalactic sources are thought to be the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays detected at Earth. In this work, we explore energy-dependent mass compositions of these sources taking a...
Año de publicación: 2022
CALLISTO facilities in Peru: spectrometer commissioning and observations of type III solar radio bursts
The Astrophysics Directorate of CONIDA has installed two radio spectrometer stations belonging to the e-CALLISTO network in Lima, Peru. Given their strategic location near the Equator, it is possible to...
Año de publicación: 2021
Performance of ALICE AD modules in the CERN PS test beam
Two modules of the AD detector have been studied with the test beam at the T10 facility at CERN. The AD detector is made of scintillator pads read out by...
Año de publicación: 2021
Laser spot measurement using cost-affordable devices
We have designed and tested an automated simple setup for measuring the profile and spot size of a Gaussian laser beam, which exhibits a similar performance to ready-made optical devices,...
Año de publicación: 2021
Concept and Analysis for a 1 100 PeV Tau Neutrino Observatory
The IceCube Neutrino observatory has discovered an astrophysical neutrino flux in the energy range >>>1~TeV with their highest energy event ∼\sim∼3~PeV. Although IceCube has excellent muon flavor identification, their ability...
Año de publicación: 2021
Resolving a challenging supersymmetric low-scale seesaw scenario at the ILC
We investigate a scenario inspired by natural supersymmetry, where neutrino data is explained within a low-scale seesaw scenario. For this the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model is extended by adding light...
Año de publicación: 2021
Commissioning of CALLISTO spectrometers in Peru and observations of type III Solar Radio Bursts
Two radio spectrometer stations belonging to the e-CALLISTO network were installed in Peru by the Astrophysics Directorate of CONIDA. Given their strategic location near the Equator, it was possible to...
Año de publicación: 2021
Revealing the Majorana nature of neutrinos through a precision measurement of the CP phase
We show that it is possible to reveal the nature of neutrino by measuring the Majorana phase at the DUNE experiment. The Majorana phase is activated in the neutrino oscillation...
Año de publicación: 2021
Setting limits on heavy neutral leptons using the neutrino CC events at the DUNE near detector
We study the impact of production of heavy neutral leptons (HNL) from meson decays on the number of neutrino charged current (CC) events that will be detected at the DUNE...
Año de publicación: 2021
Design and simulation of a cost-affordable Cosmic Ray Muon Tomographer
Atmospheric muons can be used to image a volume due to multiple Coulomb scattering and absorption of different materials. This work presents the design and GEANT4 simulation of a prototype...
Año de publicación: 2021