News and Events


Meet Gabriel Zapata
We welcome our new postdoc, Dr Gabriel Zapata, to the PUCP! Gabriel is from Argentina, having finished his PhD early this year at National University of Mar del Plata. He specializes...
Tenure track position available
The Department of Science of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima, Peru and its High Energy Physics Group invite applications for a 3-year tenure-track full-time faculty position...
Postdoc position available
The PUCP High Energy Physics group carries out theoretical as well as experimental research, being currently involved in ALICE, DUNE and SWGO. This call is aimed for either branch. Theory: The theoretical...
Tenure Track Position at PUCP
Two tenure track positions are now available at the Physics Department at PUCP. These positions are offered to anyone working in any of our five research topics. The job description for...
Two grants from FONDECYT for group projects
Our National Science Funding Agency (FONDECYT) has selected two multidisciplinary basic science projects, where members of our HEP Group are involved. Each has a funding of ~$130k. One, lead by...
Group gets funding from CONCYTEC for pheno studies of long-lived particles
In most models beyond the Standard Model, new particles have very short lifetimes. This leads to having the new particle decaying before it can travel a macroscopic distance, such that...