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Can SUSY relax lepton number violation constraints coming from loop corrections to light neutrino masses on the low-scale seesaw mechanism?

Heavy neutrinos from the type-I seesaw model can have a large mixing with active states, motivating their search at collider experiments. However, loop corrections to light neutrino masses constrain the heavy neutrinos to appear in pseudo-Dirac pairs, leading to a potential suppression of lepton number violating parameters. In this work we perform a detailed review of a proposal to relax constraints on lepton number violation by adding supersymmetry (SUSY). We define the conditions necessary to maximize the SUSY screening effect, with the objective of allowing a larger mass splitting between low-scale heavy neutrino masses. We find that the sole addition of SUSY does not guarantee a screening, and that favorable cases have some degree of fine-tuning.

Año: 2023
Título de la revista: Phys.Rev.D
Volumen: 107
Número: 11
Página inicial - Página final: 115003