SWGO Experiment

SWGO (Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory) , currently in the R&D phase, will be a ground-based, high-duty cycle extensive air shower water Cherenkov detector array with a high fill-factor core and a low-density outer array, in the TeV-PeV energy range. The detector is expected to be located in South America in the Andes region at high altitude (>4.4 km) and latitude between 10° and 30° south. SWGO will allow monitoring of the Galactic Center, large part of the Galactic plane and the southern Fermi bubble as well as it will provide the full sky coverage for transient (e.g. GRBs) and variable multi-wavelength phenomena, opening the window to new PeV sources, complementing the observations of the Cherenkov Telescope Array and continuing the success of wide-field high-elevation gamma-ray detectors in the Northern hemisphere, such as HAWC and LHAASO. The SWGO Collaboration has a strong participation from Latin American institutions, with candidate host sites in Argentina, Chile and Peru.

The PUCP HEP Group is an official member of the SWGO collaboration. Its contributions include searches for a new gamma/hadron separation variable based on the arrival time of particles at the water tanks and improvements of core and energy reconstruction based on machine learning algorithms. Several undergrad students are involved in the project.

Estado DGI: En proceso