Particle/Astroparticle Phenomenology

With the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, the Standard Model (SM) has been confirmed as the correct theory describing the breaking of electroweak symmetry. However, several observations suggest that the SM is just an effective version of a more complete theory. This compells for a search for Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) physics.

The PUCP HEP Group research involves neutrino theory, astroparticle physics, and BSM physics. Neutrinos are electrically neutral elementary particles interacting only through the weak force. In the SM, these particles are considered to be massless, however, experiments with solar and atmospheric neutrinos now indicate otherwise. Neutrino mass was further confirmed with reactor and accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments on Earth. Since the mass-generation mechanism for this particle is not addressed in the SM, one can consider neutrino physics as the surest window towards BSM physics.

In the PUCP HEP Group, we currently consider measuring new physics effects in neutrino oscillation experiments, astrophysics, and colliders. We have worked on models with sterile neutrinos (both light and heavy), Supersymmetry, non-standard interactions, decoherence effects and Lorentz-symmetry violation. In relation to the MINERνA experiment, we are currently exploring neutrino trident production. The group has also used neutrinos to understand other aspects of nature, such as the presence of cavities within the Earth, as well as the behaviour of the magnetic field of the galaxy.

The group has also done studies on gamma/hadron separation for ground experiments observing particle cascades with water Cherenkov techniques. Based on CORSIKA, we have done simulations analyzing several shower parameters with multivariate methods. We have also searched for correlations between FRBs and FR0s galaxies with gamma rays detected by Fermi. Currently we are modelling the highest energy cosmic ray composition at astrophysical sources using CRPropa and analyzing cosmic rays correlations with astrophysical sources.

Estado DGI: En proceso