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Postdoc position available

The PUCP High Energy Physics group carries out theoretical as well as experimental research, being currently involved in ALICE, DUNE and SWGO. This call is aimed for either branch.


The theoretical branch is oriented towards neutrino physics and astrophysics. Our current research is focused on heavy neutrino signatures, tests of BSM physics through neutrino oscillations or their interactions. Other topics of interest are the effect of different hypotheses of the galactic magnetic model on the cosmic rays propagation and their correlation with neutrinos, characterization of cosmic ray showers, as well as long-lived particle detection at colliders.


In ALICE, the group has played a crucial role in developing the AD detector system (ALICE Diffractive) and is currently focused on accurately measuring the diffractive cross-section (AD). We have contributed to testing the active pixel sensors of the MFT and developed software for these systems. In DUNE, we aim to incorporate various signatures of BSM neutrino physics into its Monte Carlo simulation and reconstruction. In SWGO we are devoted to energy reconstruction and gamma/hadron separation based on simulations. Our group is also actively involved in conducting low-cost particle detection tests using CMOS technology and GEANT4 simulations. In addition to his/her possible involvement in any of the experiments mentioned before, the experimental postdoctoral researcher is expected to help build the local HEP lab.

The position, in the framework of a university-wide call for postdocs, requires a PhD from 2018 onwards and involves a net salary of S/8000 (~US$2100), health insurance, and a contract up to 24 months. The selected candidate is expected to produce at least 3 publications, with exclusive PUCP affiliation, in the two-year contract, which could be delivered up to 18 months after the termination of the contract. The contract is expected to start after August 2023.

Candidates are invited to send their CVs to addressed to Dr. Alberto Gago, the group leader. Recommendation letters will be required upon request.

The deadline of the application (first call) is 2023-05-12.

See university-wide call (in Spanish):