
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation Path Using XFEM
In this work the experimental results of the fatigue crack propagation path on five high strength steel specimens are presented. It was necessary to define the geometry of the test...
Año de publicación: 2018
Theoretical Study Of The Dynamic Response Of Pipe Conveying Gasliquid Flow
The dynamic behavior of clamped-clamped straight pipes conveying gas-liquid two-phase flow is theoretically investigated, specifically the effect of the flow parameters on the frequency of the system. First, the equation...
Año de publicación: 2018
Critical flow velocity for collapse of a clamped-clamped pipe conveying gas-liquid flow
The critical flow velocity for a horizontal clamped-clamped pipe conveying two-phase flow is investigated. The system is represented by a coupled fluid-structure fourth-order Partial Differential Equation (PDE). In the case...
Año de publicación: 2018
Computational Tool for the Intelligent Design of Gearboxes of Cylindrical Gears and Welded Housing
The present work reports the development of intelligent software that permits to design gearboxes of cylindrical gears and welded housing with a high degree of automation. At the time there...
Año de publicación: 2018
Mathematical Model to Determine the Maximum Stress in Gearbox Welded Housings through Analytical Methods and Results of FEM Simulation
Among the main components of gearboxes is the housing, which hold the other gearbox’s components and supports and dissipates the loads generate between them. However, despite its importance, there are...
Año de publicación: 2017
Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of a NGV Tank Under the API 579 Standard Using Numerical Simulation
In the present work, the structural integrity of a NGV tank type 1 - uncoated steel cylinder - and its relative tolerance to the presence of a probable active phase...
Año de publicación: 2017