A procedure was developed to simulate the arc welding process in circular beads, for use in simulating the welding process of pipelines. The welding process was simulated in two stages, solving the thermal problem first and then the structural problem, both transient and nonlinear problems. The thermal problem allows obtaining the temperature distribution versus time, subsequently used in structural problem to determine residual stresses and deformations due to the welding process. To simulate the thermal problem the double ellipsoid model presented by Goldak for heat source was used, the physical properties of material as a function of temperature were defined and combined radiation-convection coefficient as boundary condition was used. To simulate the structural problem a thermo-elasto-plastic material model was used, the mechanical properties of the material as a function of temperature were defined, the temperatures of the thermal problem were imported and different displacement constraints as boundary conditions were used. To simulate the material deposition the «birth and death» technique was used in both problems, which is implemented in the ANSYS software, used in this study. The developed method was validated by comparing the obtained results with the results available in recognized publications, supported by experimental results, which show an appropriate match.
Autor(es):Franco Rodríguez, Rosendo
Valverde Guzmán, Quino M.
Yépez Castillo, Herbert
Curi Grados, Osmar G.
Lean Sifuentes, Paul
Año: 2015
Ciudad: Cartagena de Indias
Url: http://investigacion.pucp.edu.pe/grupos/inacom/wp-content/uploads/sites/144/2018/05/CAIP2015-Articulo232_RFranco.pdf