In the present study the mechanical behavior of a titanium alloy cervical medical implant type Ti-6Al-4V ELI is developed and validated, manufactured by Selective Laser Melting (SLM), which is a highly versatile and a faster process that allows to manufacture components with complex shapes.
The medical implant developed in this research presents improvements compared to existing ones. The proposal of this research is the geometric design optimization set up as an «S» shape, by using finite elements analysis and the feedback of the results of mechanical tests. Chemical analyzes, microstructural analyzes, mechanical tests and finite element analysis were carried out, taking as reference the guidelines established in the ASTM F136-13 and ASTM 2346-11 standards.
During the development of this project, several geometric modifications were presented as a result of the constant feedback between the simulation of the design and the behavior of the implant under cyclic loads. Finally, the optimal design of the implant was found and this design achieves the functional requirements of a cervical implant.
Autor(es):Paul Pedro Lean Sifuentes
Carlos A. Álvarez
Ainsworth Noriega Ríos
Erik Navarro
Año: 2020
Ciudad: Barranquilla