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Comparative study of fastening systems of an anti-wear plate used in transfer chutes by means numerical simulation

This research article presents a comparative study between two design alternatives of an anti-wear plate fastening system used in transfer chutes of the mining industry. The mechanical behavior of the fastening system is analyzed while considering the influence of the anti-wear plate thickness. For this purpose, finite element numerical simulation is used, including its experimental validation. The results reveal that the anti-wear plate can reach a remaining thickness of 7.5 mm in alternative 1 and 12 mm in alternative 2, considering a safety factor of 1.5. Both alternatives perform better than the current design available, where the anti-wear plate is removed with a thickness of 15 mm due to fastening system limitations. It is concluded that alternative 1 is the best option proposed here since it allows to extending the life of the anti-wear plate by 20%.

Rosendo Franco
Herbert Yépez
Julio M. Ramírez
Joel J. Sandoval

Año: 2020
Ciudad: La Serena