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RÍOS, María Gracia: «Lecturas al margen del imperio: la primera traducción al inglés de «La Araucana» de Alonso de Ercilla y el conflicto anglo-hispano en América»

A partial English translation of the epic poem La Araucana is located at the Lambeth Palace Library in London. This prose version of Ercilla’s poem is attributed to Sir George Carew, a politician and soldier who served under Queen Elizabeth I of England. In this article, I will analyze this translation in light of the dispute between Spain and England for control of territories at the far south of the Americas. This approach will shed light on the ways in which European nations were trying to re-establish the limits of the Spanish overseas empire.

RÍOS, María Gracia
Año: 2023
Título de la revista: Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos
Ciudad: Edmonton
Volumen: 45
Número: 1
Página inicial - Página final: 181-206
ISSN: 0384-8167