The main research interests in the Flows, Particles, Combustion and Environment (FPCE) research group relate to the study of inert and reactive multiphase flows. A particular emphasis is placed on turbulent flows present in a number of industrial applications. The research work carried out in the FPCE group is mainly based on theoretical concepts and high fidelity numerical models. Experimental approaches are also accounted for when required. The main issues addressed in the FPCE group are related to the transport of turbulent and reactive, multiphase and particulate flows, both Newtonian and non-Newtonian. In numerical terms, Euler/Lagrange hybrid schemes are particularly considered. Numerical tools based on computational fluid dynamics and high performance computing are key in the investigations carried out. Industrial systems and processes aimed in particular include gas turbines and combustion chambers, mineral processing, and those ones related to the production of clean energy. The FPCE group hopes to contribute eventually to reducing the impact of these systems and processes on health and environment.
Research areas include the following:
- Turbulent and reactive flows
- Multiphase and particulate flows
- Non-Newtonian flows and rheology
- Computational fluid dynamics and High performance computing
- Euler/Lagrange hybrid schemes
- Power plants and Combustion systems
- Mineral processing
- Clean energy