Objetivo: Formar profesionales especializados en modelamiento numérico basado en CFD capaces de modelar flujos de fluidos presentes en diversas aplicaciones de interés práctico. Al finalizar la referida diplomatura, el egresado será capaz de utilizar diversas herramientas computacionales, (i)...
Goal: Both to increase fuel efficiency and to reduce operating costs and pollutant emissions, continuous design improvements in combustion systems need to be introduced. Conventional propulsion systems utilized nowadays mostly rely on deflagration processes and several variants of the...
Undergraduate and graduate students (MSc and DSc levels) are required for research project titled "New theoretical constructs for large eddy simulation (LES) sub-grid scale models allowing modeling shock-turbulence-chemistry interactions in rotating detonation engines". For further details, please...
Goal: Both the expected increase in energy demand and the rising public interest in environmental issues continuously highlight the need for improved energy production methods. Because of new developments in energy capture technologies, solar energy represents one of the...