The paper describes a nuclear magnetic resonance based metabolomic platform developed to profile the leaves of V. planifolia and three Peruvian Vanilla species, V. pompona, V. palmarum, and V. ribeiroi, previously reported as a possible source for genetic improvement of existing vanilla cultivars. Given the high economic and social relevance of this crop, the scarce information regarding the study of Vanilla species different from V. planifolia is noteworthy. Furthermore, the available studies are related mainly to the fruits while little attention has been paid to vanilla leaves, even though this organ is already recognized as the site for the production of important putative precursors of vanillin.
The work we present here is the first comprehensive NMR chemical investigation of Peruvian Vanilla species and, to the best of our knowledge, also the first quantitative analytical study comprising the discrimination of different Vanilla species based on their leaf metabolic profile. Our results indicate a clear distinction among the species, enabling the identification of potential markers for species differentiation, and revealing significant differences in the content of important precursors of vanilla flavor that support the attractive chemical profile of Peruvian V. pompona as a potential source for high quality vanilla essence.
Autor(es):Leyva, V.; Zevallos. A.; Cañar. C; Cabrera, R., Toubiana, D, Lopez, J. M., Maruenda, H.
Año: 2021
Título de la revista: Food Chem
Volumen: 358
Página inicial - Página final: 129365
Url: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129365