Determination of the absolute configuration of 19-OH-(-)-eburnamonine using a combination of residual dipolar couplings, DFT chemical shift predictions, and chiroptics.

19-OH-(-)-eburnamonine 1 is a new indole alkaloid isolated from Bonafusia macrocalyx. A natural derivative from (-)-eburnamonine for which absolute configuration and conformation has been determined by making use of residual dipolar couplings enhanced NMR, circular dichroism spectra and high-level computations.
Autor(es):Trigo-Mouriño P, Sifuentes R, Navarro-Vázquez A, Gayathri C, Maruenda H, Gil RR.
Año: 2012
Título de la revista: Nat Prod Commun.
Volumen: 7
Número: 6
Página inicial - Página final: 735-738