Leyva, V, and Maruenda, H. Journal of Food Protection, 84, 2, 204-212. https://doi.org/10315/JFP-20-212.
The paper describes the LC-MS/MS quantification method implemented to monitor four lipophilic biotoxins, namely, okadaic acid (OA), yessotoxin (YTX), azaspiracid-1 (AZA-1), and pectenotoxin-2 (PTX-2) in 115 samples of Argopecten purpuratus, collected from 18 exploitation shellfish farms along the Peruvian coastline during a 17 month period (2013-2015). These particular biotoxins are linked to toxic effects in humans, and are regulated worldwide through established permissible limits. The study revealed the presence of YTX in 72 samples and of PTX-2 in 17, both at concentrations below regulatory levels. Free OA and AZA-1 were not detected in any scallop sample.
The detection and quantification of these lipophilic biotoxins is essential for the management and control of marine food-related hazards. Considering that Peru is a key exporter of various consumable seafood products, our results – obtained by a systematic analysis of more than one hundred samples collected from key fishing bay areas in the country – are of relevance and requires reporting because 1) it confirms that OA is not a problem in these sites, as reported earlier in one isolated study, and 2) for the first time demonstrate the co-occurrence of YTX and PTX-2, as well as the absence of AZA-1, in Peruvian bay scallops.
Autor(es):Leyva, V, and Maruenda, H. Journal of Food Protection, 84, 2, 204-212. https://doi.org/10315/JFP-20-212.
Año: 2021
Título de la revista: Journal of Food Protection
Volumen: 84
Número: 2
Página inicial - Página final: 204-212
Url: https://doi.org/10315/JFP-20-212.