Pure Shift Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: a New Tool for Plant Metabolomics

Lopez, J. M., Leyva, V., Maruenda, H. J. Vis. Exp. (173), e62719. https://doi:10.3791/62719
The step-by-step procedure, which includes the plant extract preparation and the optimal recording of the Pure Shift PSYCHE and SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE spectra, used in our laboratories to conduct metabolomic profiling of Vanilla plant leaves, potato tubers (S. tuberosum), and Cape gooseberries (P. peruviana) – was recorded in a video. The effect of the gain in resolution in metabolic identification, correlation analysis, and multivariate analyses, using with SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE is discussed.
Autor(es):Lopez, J. M., Leyva, V., Maruenda, H. Pure Shift Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: a New Tool for Plant Metabolomics.
Año: 2021
Título de la revista: J. Vis. Exp.
Volumen: 173
Número: e62719
Url: https://doi:10.3791/62719